Welcome to the MAVIS Just-In-Time Access video. In this episode, we will introduce the key features of connection authorization to solve common issues in your connection management.
If you haven't watched "MAVIS Just-In-Time Access: Basic Features of Connection Approval Demo" please click on the information bar in the video or click the link to watch it.
Four key features:
0:23 - Feature 1: Applicants can designate approvers
0:46 - Feature 2: Approvers receive email notifications in real-time
1:11 - Feature 3: Quickly view connection request records
1:58 - Feature 4: Export historical request records
These features of MAVIS enhance your organization's connection management, allowing administrators to monitor user connection behavior effectively:
Clear review process: By assigning reviewers and sending instant notifications, connection requests are handled quickly and accurately.
Comprehensive operation records: Detailed connection operation records and exportable data make management more transparent and compliant.